This just in from Mayor Flinn...
Citizens of Sorpigal, You may have noticed the foul stench which has come over our fair city. Plants are dying. Babies are unable to nurse at their mothers' breasts. Young couples can no longer consummate their vows of love. Something must be done.
To this end, I deployed a reconnaissance team whose mission was to determine the source of the odor, which seemed to be coming from the east. The men tracked the scent to the Naryin Sea, where, in the southwestern corner of the sea, they found an island populated by those of all races, a port of call for the most unsavory types, but whose most law-abiding of citizens seem oblivious to the evil lurking around them. This island is the center of the fetid smell, which is liken to that of raw sewage. The men were unable to ascertain the exact cause of the odor, but they report that the city itself is so vile, so irredeemable, that it must be destroyed.
So, dear citizens, this is a call to arms. Go! Go now to southwestern Naryin Sea! Raze the island there! Rid the world of its rank existence, and with it, its malodorous smell! The future of Sorpigal depends on it!
Flinn, your Mayor