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Up Topic Dark Castle Official News & Updates / Town Crier / Dark Castle 2010 Football Pool Winners!
- - By Apocalypse (Omnigod) Date 2011-02-17 11:14 Edited 2011-02-17 11:51
Congrats to all those who participated!

Platinum prizes will be placed on the character you registered with.
Quest Points and/or Items can be selected and dispersed onto your characters as you see fit.
Speak to me online to claim any non-platinum prizes.

The prizes are as follows:

Prize Pool
Regular Season wins: 500 platinum each
Made Playoffs (top 4): 2000 platinum
Made Consolation Playoffs (next 4): 1000 platinum
Championship Round Playoff wins: 1000 platinum each
Consolation Round Playoff wins: 500 platinum each

Regular Season 1st Place: 50 quest points
Overall Points Leader: 50 quest points
Most Points in a single game: 25 quest points
Last Place Active Finisher: 10 quest points

League 3rd Place: 100 quest points + 1 gameload of choice
League 2nd Place: 200 quest points + 2 gameload of choice
League Champion: 300 quest points + 3 gameload of choice

The Winners:
1. Modesto Ravishers (10-4) 1601.74 points - Player: Ravish (plats/qpoints paid)
10 Regular season wins: 5000 plats
Made playoffs: 2000 platinum
2 Championship Playoff wins: 2000 platinum
1st place overall: 300 quest points + 3 gameload of choice
Regular Season 1st Place (10-4 record): 50 quest points

2. Harlem Globetrotters (9-5) 1657.85 points - Player: Harlem (plats/qpoints paid)
9 Regular season wins: 4500 plats
Made playoffs: 2000 platinum
1 Championship Playoff win: 1000 platinum
2nd Place overall: 200 quest points + 2 gameload of choice
Overall Points Leader: 50 quest points

3. Salad Spinners (9-5) 1496.02 points - Player: Shlock (plats/qpoints paid)
9 Regular season wins: 4500 plats
Made playoffs: 2000 platinum
1 Championship Playoff win: 1000 platinum
3rd place overall: 100 quest points + 1 gameload of choice

4. Gargamel's Goons (9-5) 1446.58 points - Player: Gargamel (plats paid)
9 Regular season wins: 4500 plats
Made playoffs: 2000 platinum

5. Brannoc's Ballz (8-6) 1592.13 points - Player: Brannoc (plats/qpoints paid)
8 Regular season wins: 4000 plats
Made consolation playoffs: 1000 platinum
2 Consolation Playoff wins: 1000 platinum
Most Points in a single game (178.62 points): 25 quest points

6. Apoc's Zap Attack (7-7) 1564.06 points - Player: Auda (plats paid)
7 Regular season wins: 3500 plats
Made consolation playoffs: 1000 platinum
1 Consolation Playoff win: 500 platinum

7. Boomer Sooner Mace (7-7) 1448.59 points - Player: Mace (plats paid)
7 Regular season wins: 3500 plats
Made consolation playoffs: 1000 platinum
1 Consolation Playoff win: 500 platinum

8. Nikolai's Seagulls (6-8) 1275.37 points - Player: Nikolai (plats paid)
6 Regular season wins: 3000 plats
Made consolation playoffs: 1000 platinum

9. Elric's Evengers (6-8) 1250.64 points - Player: Elric (plats paid)
6 Regular season wins: 3000 plats

10. Caspian's Blue Balls (5-9) 1330.61 points - Player: Caspian (plats paid)
5 Regular season wins: 2500 plats

11. MOJO (5-9) 1264.94 points - Player: MOJO (plats paid)
5 Regular season wins: 2500 plats
Last Place Active Finisher: 10 quest points

12. NotLameAion (3-11) 1106.28 points - Player: Aion (plats paid)
3 Regular season wins: 1500 plats

Congrats again!
Parent - By Apocalypse (Omnigod) Date 2011-02-17 11:52
All the plats and qpoints are paid out.
If you won gameload, email or contact me in game with what you'd like and which character to put it on.

Up Topic Dark Castle Official News & Updates / Town Crier / Dark Castle 2010 Football Pool Winners!

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