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Up Topic Dark Castle Official News & Updates / Town Crier / ATTENTION: MOAD Set, Quest Gear/60 Class Gear, Illusion Gear
- By Petra (Immortal - Player Coordinator) Date 2020-08-01 23:14 Upvotes 1

MOAD Set: The MOAD set is getting a revamp over the next week or so with the biggest change being adding in class restrictions for certain pieces.  More specifically it will look like this:
•  Barb, War - Full Set
•  Pal, Ran, Anti - 3/4 Set - Skull, Elf Head, Sleeves, Legs, Pixie
•  Druid/Monk - Half Set - Skull, Elf Heads, Claws, Pixie
•  Thief/Bard - Elf Head, Claws, Pixie
•  Cleric/Mage - Elf Head, Pixie

REGEN and MITIGATION bonuses have been adjusted slightly down on individual set pieces to be in line with Equipment Matrix guidelines.  Lastly, the shrunken head of an elf has been made Unique.

We are aware of the time and effort involved in obtaining these items and as such, we will compensate each level 60 char with 10 cloverleaf tokens to assist in finding suitable replacements.

Quest Gear/60 Class Items/Other Gameload: After a thorough review of our current quest and level 60 prize equipment by race, size and hit location, the immortal team has identified a number of gaps and inconsistencies. We are addressing these shortcomings with a new armament of quest gear but never fear, your existing quest gear will be replaced with the improved items without any effort required on your part.

Illusion Gear: Illusion gear will also return to its intended fun purpose which is short and powerful, but will not be allowed to be stored in vaults.  This was an unintended consequence of changing it from !SAVE to a 24 hour timer.


Your DC immortal team -Petra, Elder, Equinox and Ozymandias
Up Topic Dark Castle Official News & Updates / Town Crier / ATTENTION: MOAD Set, Quest Gear/60 Class Gear, Illusion Gear

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